Easiglaze Blog | Tips and Ideas

6 Benefits of Double Glazed Windows for Your Home | Infographic

double glazed windows

Double glazed windows are not just fancy accessories; they actually offer a lot of practical advantages. For instance, since they use two panes of glass, the amount of heat that escapes or enters your home is significantly reduced. This makes your home warmer in summer and cooler in winter, which in turn lowers the need to run the air conditioner and heater at full blast. This saves you a lot in energy costs. And since excess heat is prevented from entering your home, the life of your décor and furnishings is extended substantially.

Have you ever suffered at the hands of loud neighbours or their pets? Is your home located in a busy neighbourhood of the city, or in close proximity to the airport? The noise they cause can not only rob you of peace but also increases your stress levels. Thanks to the excellent insulation offered by double glazed windows, most noise is prevented from entering your home.

They are also very handy at controlling condensation and its effects, such as mould formation. Mould formation is harmful to your family’s health as it’s a known cause of chronic allergies, asthma, and other issues of the respiratory system. The inner pane in double glazed windows stay closer to room temperature as the outer pane makes it difficult for the outside temperature to get in. When there is not enough temperature difference between the glass pane and the room, chances of condensation are reduced which ultimately works against mould formation.

Two panes are harder to break than one; especially without causing a ruckus. This makes double glazed windows an excellent security measure to deter intruders from entering your home by force. More than that, a home equipped with double glazed windows fetches a better price in the real estate market owing to the factors previously mentioned. This makes a rather strong case as to why double glazed windows should be seen as an investment, instead of an expense.


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